TRUSTX is Now Part of Symitri

TRUSTX is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Symitri, a new company designed to balance the commercial needs of publishers and advertisers with the global demand for consumer privacy. We remain a purpose-driven public benefit corporation (B-Corp)—becoming part of Symitri just brings our mission of saving the open web that much closer. And for TRUSTX media buyers and sellers, it’s business as usual.
Ad industry prepares for ‘tipping point’ this year in sustainability

Like so many industries, the ad industry is on a mission to shrink its carbon footprint. But until now the focus has been on piecemeal evaluations — calculating the emissions from an online campaign here, a tech partnership there. These are significant steps, but they’re just the beginning.
DCN Explores the Future of TRUSTX, Including a Partnership with Tech-Giant Akamai, as Dealmaking (Slowly) Heats Up

Digital Content Next, the trade organization representing a host of household-name publishers, is exploring the future of its ad tech unit TRUSTX and a potential partnership with cloud outfit Akamai…
Made-for-Advertising Sites Lack a Clear Definition, Causing Confusion Among the Advertising Industry

Marketers say they’re concerned about made-for-advertising (MFA) sites, but the industry lacks a clear consensus on what an MFA actually is. Consider this response when Digiday asked one media buyer for their stance on including MFAs…
The Rundown: The ANA’s Latest Programmatic Transparency Audit Confirms Many Open Secrets

Programmatic advertising transparency brouhaha is the industry’s theater of indignation. A recent investigation commissioned by the ANA leaves little doubt of this. Instead of groundbreaking revelations…
Amazon’s Pending Price Hike Stirs Debate Among Media Owners

Amazon Advertising is arguably the rising star of adland, with its Amazon Publisher Services posing a realistic contender to market incumbent Google when it comes to the industry’s sell-side monetization options…
As the Economy Wobbles, Advertisers and Publishers at the Top End of the Market Go More and More Direct

Every downturn, like clockwork, publishers try to remind marketers why they should buy their ads directly from them — or at least as directly as possible. It’s a pitch that goes something like this: if ad dollars…
A Key Impediment: Brand Safety Tech Continues to Divide Advertisers into Haves and Have-Nots

The latest surge in hard-hitting news is widening one of the more enduring disparities of online advertising: the gap between those who can afford to still advertise next to these stories and those who can’t…
‘Active curation’: As TCF’s Future Hangs in the Balance, Advertisers’ Audience Tracking Plans are in a Holding Pattern

When the going gets tough for programmatic advertisers, their dollars tend to move toward places they trust. So when the future of large-scale addressable advertising on the open web was thrown into doubt recently, it was no surprise what happened next…
The Case for Taking the Privacy High Road

With billions of dollars in ad tech shareholder value on the line when it comes to the future of identity, there seems to be a lot of pressure to iterate on the status quo when nothing short of a radical rethink is required. The big question is, “What should that future look like?”…